the itch
September 2017
The Itch
September 1 - 16, New Ohio Theatre (154 Christopher St #1E, New York, NY 10014, USA)
Ana and Simon are twins. Ana wants to sell her eggs for piles of money. Simon wants another beginning after his latest bender. They have spent a lifetime disappearing into each other and seeking to define their lives as separate beings. And now, through family, lovers, humans caught in the spiral of their narrative and the memories in which they all reside, they come to terms with their ghosts.
The Itch is story of sibling love, addiction, and how far we’ll go to save ourselves and others, experienced through theatre, film and original music.
*Developed at La Mama Umbria's Next Generation incubator.
Gore Abrams / Coco Conroy
Erik LaPointe / Alexandra Zelman-Doring
Dan Berkey / Ray C. Wright
Directed by Theresa Buchheister
Produced by Throes Theater
Written by Alexandra Zelman-Doring
Associate Producer: Kate German
Associate Producer: Melinda Prisco
Set Design: Matthew Dipple
Video Design: George Gavin
Lighting Design: Alejandro Fajardo
Costume Design: Jose Cavazos
Stage Manager: Darielle Shandler
Music: Throes Theater & The Petite Brunettes
*In its initial stages, this project was developed at La Mama Umbria International, with Mojo Lorwin, Gore Abrams, and Alexandra Zelman-Doring as collaborators.
Watch a Behind the Scenes
A Note on the Set
I wanted the space to almost be an antidote to the chaos of their relationship. A simple and stark memory space with small elements that are reminiscent of a psychiatric facility. Here Ana's recollections can both be soothed or their intensity heightened. The room is slightly twisted; the colors quietly vibrate against each other. Nothing settles totally. The things in the room- the chairs, the table - are ideas of those things half remembered. Stand ins for the actual objects and the details she forgot.
- Matthew Dipple
Production Photos - Gallery